A deep insight into Coronavirus timeline-How it all began, what’s happening right now and what can we expect.
On January 5, 2020, WHO released the 1st outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus to the global media and the public health community. It gave a detailed guideline on managing coronavirus spread and how to test for coronavirus along with public advice. With no vaccine, WHO based on the SARS, MERS and other related transmitted viruses recommend avoiding contact and respiratory droplet from infected person.
It was on 30th January that India reported the 1st coronavirus case. Few organizations immediately termed it as a Public health emergency. At this time, WHO was still working on different global strategic plan. Many countries even imposed WHO guidelines to curtail the growth of the virus. Even after these guidelines, there was no solution at hand. After looking at the severity and the level of virus spread globally, WHO termed COVID-19 as pandemic on 11th March 2020.
Looking at the gradual increase of cases in India, India imposed a Janta Curfew on March 22. Thereafter, from 25th March 2020, a complete lockdown was observed. Before we dive into the coronavirus timeline, here are certain myths and facts that have been doing the rounds about COVID-19 Pandemic-
- COVID-19 dies at high temperatures.
- Ayurvedic medicines like Kada etc. help in preventing COVID-19
- Houseflies and mosquitos transmit Covid-19.
- Holding your breath for 10 seconds without discomfort means you do not have COVID.
- 5G Mobile networks spread COVID-19.
To know the answers to these Coronavirus myths, watch this exclusive interview with Dr.Saxena, a frontline warrior from Uttarakhand.
Detailed Coronavirus Timeline
Lockdown 1 (Phase 1: March 25 to April 14)
A complete lockdown was imposed as per the Disaster Management Act, 2005. Everyone was asked to practice social-distancing. It meant all movement and other gatherings had to be suspended. Only essential services were permitted to remain open. Additionally, all factories, offices, and shops were closed. This helped in controlling the spread of viruses and reduced human contact. Work from home was implemented for employees.
Coronavirus survives on different surfaces for a different period of time. For example: It can survive for 24 hours on cardboard. The virus can survive for 2-3 days on plastic and steel as well. Hence complete precautions were taken. Towards the end of Lockdown 1, there was a sharp increase in the number of cases. We had crossed more than 11,000 corona cases in India. Thus, to avoid any risk lockdown 1 was extended till April end.

Lockdown 2 (Phase 2: April 15 to May 3)
Lockdown 2 witnessed certain relaxations depending upon the situation evaluation by different states. To strictly practicing social-distancing, areas were divided into different zones. The zones represent different areas of coronavirus spread. Hotspot areas with the maximum number of cases were declared as red zones. Zones with clusters of coronavirus cases were declared as an orange zone. Areas with no or minimal spread were declared as green zones.
After evaluation, cargo movement, agriculture, and small shops were allowed to open. However, these shops were only allowed to function with limited staff. To help stranded people and migrants, inter-state movement was allowed.

This phase bought with it limited human-contact. People who showed the slightest symptom were either home quarantined or were sent for an immediate check-up. However, even with all precautions, the cases of Coronavirus increased manifold and hence we entered Lockdown phase 3.
Lockdown 3 (Phase 3: May 4 to May 17)
India was divided into 3 zones with further relaxation in orange and green zone while strict lockdown remained in the Red Zone.
With these guidelines, Coirfit Mattress resumed its online operations. At coirfit, we followed every preventive measure released by WHO-
- Thermal Check-up of the employees
- Contact Less Employee Sanitization at Facility Entry
- Limited number of employees
- Social Distancing
- Mask and glove use
- After every 2 hours, everyone was asked to wash their hands.
- Working hours were divided into shifts
- A completely sanitized mattress was manufactured with the materials, delivery van being sanitized
WHO advised to avoid getting cold and cough. It meant being more vulnerable to being affected by a coronavirus. To further end allergies and cold, Coirfit developed Herb Fresh Technology to make the mattress to restrain the growth of Microbes thereby eliminating allergy and cold during sleep hours. By the end of Lockdown 3, coronavirus cases in increased to more than 40,000 all over India.

Lockdown 4 (May 18 to May 31)
Lockdown was further relaxed and delivery of both essential and non-essential items was allowed. Electric store, Kirana stores and other industrial unit was opened. But they had to work within strict hours and a limited number of employees (majorly only 33%).
Railways services with social-distancing norms were resumed. PM Narender Modi Ji advised everyone to take self-care and precautions. The rate of testing increased. In some areas, people became aware of taking the necessary measures. Therefore, they decided to avoid human contact. At Coirfit, delivery of mattress was done with strict guidelines like:
- Mattress was sanitized before packing
- Manufacturing unit was cleaned twice a day
- Double packing of mattress
- Delivery executive delivered the order and stepped back 6ft and then called to confirm the order
- Customers were advised to leave the package outside for 24 hours as virus lives on cardboard for 24 hours.
Even though stringent measures were taken, coronavirus cases in India could not stopped. In Lockdown 4, coronavirus has effected more than 1 lakh 50 thousand Indians.

Unlock 1.0 (1st June-30th June)
As, it was now advisable to start business and economy we entered Unlock phase 1 from June 1, 2020. Therefore, Unlock 1.0 was the first phase in India’s coronavirus timeline to focus on resuming back businesses. However, from Lockdown 4 to Unlock 1, more than 2 lakh Indians are affected by COVID-19.
Due to Unlock 1.0, religious places could see the light of the day again. It also lead to a decrease in the night curfew from 9 pm to 5 Am. However, a large gathering is still not permitted. Untill Unlock 2.0, all Schools, colleges, and other educational institutions are closed.
Yes, we have been given certain relaxations. But it is on us to avoid gatherings. We have to stay safe at home until and unless going out is urgent. Work from home as much as possible. Most importantly, Get yourself tested if you show symptoms.
We would keep updating and adding to the blog. So don’t forget to come back and check the latest updates.
For more detail, visit: www.coirfitmattress.com

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