The concept of mattress began from the pre-historic time when people used leaves, animal skin, straw and other natural things to have a sound and comfortable sleep. The bed on which people slept was considered to be the most important thing and was kept as pure and natural as possible as it was believed that people gain peace and sense of calm when at sleep.
With time, the concept of mattresses changed drastically and it was stuffed with cotton to make it comfortable. However, lately the quality of mattress is deteriorating with lower quality of fabric and element used. It makes our sleeping environment uncomfortable, allergic, unhealthy and thereby affecting the sleep time. We at Coirfit provide you with one of the finest quality of mattresses with extended warranty and durability.
Few of the elements that we use are:
1.Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera fabric cover used in the mattress gives a natural healing and rejuvenating sleep. An Aloe Vera Mattress is good for fixing damaged connective tissue, muscle regeneration, skin cleansing and protects you against damage while sleeping and you wake up fresh.
Aloe Vera brings in the anti-fungal, Anti-bacterial and anti-allergic property, thereby keeping it fresh and clean all year long and limits the exposure to dust.
2. Bamboo Charcoal
A bamboo charcoal mattress is best for people who are prone to allergies or asthma patient. Charcoal purifies your sleep environment and gives you a healthy and sound sleep. It monitors the mattress temperature, removes harmful boxy toxins, controls humidity, odour and moisture. The activated charcoal particles also maintain air ventilation so that you enjoy blissful sleep.
3. Soyfoam
A soyfoam mattress is mostly used for backcare patients and users who are inclines towards organic living. It gives a natural surface to sleep on, is highly durable and provides a safe space to breathe on. Soy foam is also waterproof and stain-resistant which stops the liquid to seep further inside the mattress.
4. Micro Pocket Springs
Micro Pocket springs are better known as the mini versions of the pocket spring unit. It gives support to your body with perfect accuracy. The element is known to give you comfort when pressing it from every part of the body and relieves you from all the pain. It is free from any humidity related issue and satisfies the aesthetic pleasure of looking at a well-made mattress.
5. Cool Gel Memory Foam
A cool gel memory foam has an overall cooling sensation and gives an extra layer of support. It releases all your body pressure and gives a comfortable sleep to all age group. A cool gel memory foam mattress helps in maintaining the correct sleep temperature required by the body during sleep.
6. Gold Infused
New in the orthopaedic series, Coirfit offers Gold-infused fabrics that relieve you from daily stress and make you relaxed. It gives extra support to your body and makes sure that you sleep in the right posture. You wake up fresh in the morning without any spinal issues.
We at Coirfit make sure that the best is offered to our customers and they have a healthy sleeping environment and undisturbed sleep. Our team brings in new development every day and enhances the quality of our mattress and promises 100% satisfaction.
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